How to manage task attributes
You can add fields and tags to tasks to capture additional information. For example, you can add task type, mark it as important, and estimate labor costs to ensure effective project management.
When you edit fields in the task settings, their names will change automatically in the card of each task.
To edit attributes, go to your task board > the Settings tab.
Fields are used to organize and store information about different types of data.
To view existing fields, go to the Fields tab. You can disable the added fields, edit, or delete them.
To rearrange fields, click to the right of a field name, and move it up or down.
To add new fields that will be available by default when creating tasks, click Add Field.
Enter a field name, and select a field type:
String | Used to enter up to 255 text characters. |
Number | Used to enter numbers. |
Date and time | Used to specify a date and time. |
Link | Used to add a clickable link to a task card. |
Checkbox | Used to indicate the presence or absence of certain conditions, options, or parameters.
This field cannot be required. |
List | Used to select one or more values from a predefined set. When creating a deal, you can select one or more preset options.
You can specify the option to Allow multiple choice of options. |
To make a field required, select the Make it required checkbox.
Once you fill in the fields, click Add.
Tags are used to classify and make data easier to find. You can select a color for every tag. Unlike fields, tag values can only be written as text strings.
To view tags and the number of contacts you have added a tag to, go to the Tags tab. To change or delete a tag, click the three dots next to the tag, and select an action. You can also select and remove multiple tags.
To add a new tag, click Add tag. Enter a name, and select a color to assign to this tag. Click Save.
Last Updated: 26.07.2024