How to trigger a Telegram chatbot flow

With SendPulse, you can create automated chatbot flows triggered by events or subscribers' actions in Telegram, including messages to a private account (if you have Telegram Business connected) or adding a subscriber to a group.

In this article, we will talk about how to set up and customize Telegram chatbot flow triggers.

You can use the Welcome message, Standard reply, and Unsubscription from the bot standard triggers in any chatbot. To create your own triggers, use keywords and Automation 360 events.

Read more: How to manage chatbot flow triggers.

Join a Telegram group or channel

You can create a Telegram chatbot trigger to send private messages to subscribers and group or channel members who joined a public group or channel and non-subscribed users in private groups or channels.

Create a trigger

Go to your Telegram bot, and click Create a new trigger in the list of triggers on the left.

Select the Join a Telegram group or channel checkbox in the trigger settings, and choose the group or channel with your chatbot.

Chatbot trigger behavior varies across public and private groups or channels. In public groups and channels, your chatbot can only send messages to its subscribers.

To allow your chatbot to send messages to non-subscribers, enable the Approve new members option for invite links in a private channel or group. Click your group or channel name, then select Edit. Go to Invite Links, create a link, and turn on the Approve new members toggle.

This option enables your chatbot to respond to users when they request to join a group or channel. However, users only become chatbot subscribers when they send a message or click a quick reply button. Clicking buttons in the first message will not continue your flow.

If you haven't added your chatbot to your group yet, click Add to a group. Afterward, you will be redirected to Telegram, where you can select a group or channel and add your chatbot there.

Click Add to save the trigger.

Set up a flow

At the start of your flow, you will see the Filter element with the Subscription to the bot condition. Next, there is the Action element with the Unblock in a group or channel or accept a join request command.

The Message element includes an invitation to join a group or channel for users who aren't subscribed to your chatbot. This setup ensures that only those who have paid for chatbot access can enter your group chat.

If the filter conditions match and the user is a chatbot subscriber, the corresponding Message element is added next.

You can add more elements and commands based on your scenario. For example, you can filter not only chatbot subscribers but also group members.

Read more: How to use chatbot builder elements.

Messages for Telegram Business

Telegram Premium users can use Telegram Business tools to sync messages between their personal business account and SendPulse and set up flow launching.

Click Create a new trigger. Select Messages for Telegram Business, enter keywords, and select a recognition method (Matches with or Contains). Click Save.

The system recognizes individual words and phrases as commands, for example, hi, price, working hours, how much does it cost. The maximum keyword length is 32 characters.

Read also: How to use Telegram Business in chatbots.

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